PPCA Resource


Student Anti-bullying Resources

What is a Bully?  A bully is a person who purposely tries to hurt others by picking on certain people they feel are different in some ...
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View the most recent Agendas & Minutes for PPCA

View the most recent Budgets & Audits for PPCA

View our latest School Improvement Plan


1. School Supply List

View the general items needed in all classrooms, although some may require supplies specific to those subjects. In addition, items may need to be replenished throughout the school year.

2. Summer Homework

Some classes may provide summer homework to review content-specific material necessary to master the skills taught in the new school year.

3. Student Progression

The School Board of Polk County, Florida, is dedicated to each student's total and continuous development.

4. Grading Policy

Teachers will regularly input student grades into the FOCUS grade reporting system, keeping a current record reflecting the student's work and progress in that grading period.

5. Focus Parent Portal Guide

Parents can review their child's information for accuracy and contact PPCA if changes should be made. The Parent Portal also provides an up-to-date snapshot of your child's attendance and grades in each class.

6. Academic Integrity Policy

Honesty is a value that holds each person to tell and defend the truth. Honesty supports intellectual growth and creates a fair learning environment. Integrity is firm adherence to our values with or without the presence of others. In an environment of honesty and integrity, the work we turn in as our own is our own.

7. Parent/Student Academic Agreement

Polk Pre-Collegiate Academy believes that students should understand and abide by the school's expectations, so they can be successful while attending and building upon these principles of behavior as they reach adulthood.

8. Student Handbook

The purpose of the Student Handbook is to give students and their parents/guardians an understanding of the general rules and guidelines for attending and receiving an education at Polk Pre-Collegiate Academy (PPCA).

9. Dress Code Policy

Our dress code policy is to guide students and parents regarding appropriate attire for school and at any school function. In Addition, the dress code is a primary means of helping students learn a skill that is required for success in getting and keeping employment linked to attire.
State-of-Florida-A-School resize

10. Student Orientation

11. Communication Plan

Our Communication Plan is a resource available for current/future students, parents, and other stakeholders that provides information about Polk-Pre-Collegiate Academy. Learn about all the diverse opportunities and communication we have available to help students become successful as they navigate through the program offered and parents as they gain insight into the many facets of our commitment to our learners.

12. PCPS Code of Student Conduct

The PCPS Code of Student Conduct is designed to serve both the classroom and the individual. It outlines the students' rights, ensuring that no student will be penalized or singled out based on anything but a violation of established rules. It also serves as a deterrent to behaviors that interfere with the learning environment.

13. Parent Notification

14. Right to Know Letter

15. Calendar

Polk Pre-Collegiate Acadaemy School Calendar 2023-2024


A tuition-free "A" public/charter school for college minded 9th and 10th grade students.