Student Handbook

Polk Pre-Collegiate Academy (PPCA) is committed to providing every student with challenging learning opportunities and academic support that motivates and empowers them to achieve college and career readiness through a rigorous STEAM program set within a small and safe learning environment


PPCA is committed to providing you with rigorous academics necessary to prepare you for college level studies and critical life skills. At PPCA expect homework and assessments that
measure your knowledge and support needed to succeed; however, do not expect extra credit. Homework is a key component of the learning process and academic success. Teachers thoughtfully plan relevant homework assignments to ensure student mastery of skills. Students are expected to complete all homework assignments and to use the feedback provided by the teacher to build skills and knowledge

Attendance, Excused Absences

Documentation of absences should be turned into Mrs. Whatley in the main office within three days of the student’s return to school. It is recommended that parents keep a copy of the note relating to the student’s absence. Notes may be emailed to Mrs. Whatley in the main office at [email protected].

A student who misses 10 days or more of class is in jeopardy of losing credit. Getting any makeup work is the responsibility of the student.

The Attendance Committee will meet to discuss interventions for students with excessive absences, and the committee will take additional actions as needed

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action.

1. Parental Assistance Suspension
2. Office Intervention
3. Detention or Work Detail
4. In-School
5. Out-of-School Suspension-Short Term
6. Out-of-School Suspension-Long Term
7. Dismissal from PPCA


PPCA students are expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at the bus stop, on school sponsored transportation, and on the school grounds. PPCA has a progressive disciplinary policy allowing students due process for student incidents. As indicated in the School Board of Polk County Code of Student Conduct, infractions are considered either minor or major in nature. The appropriate interventions will be administered to correct the behavior.

Minor Infraction Interventions
1. Verbal Warning
2. Parent Contact/Work Detail
3. Loss of Privilege

Major Infractions
1. Written Referral/Suspension
2. Possible dismissal from

PPCA Dress Code

As a forward thinking school community, we believe that our attitude about what we do, what we feel, what we believe is often influenced by how we dress. PPCA serves students who are goal-driven to succeed in competitive college and career settings. To accomplish our goals of preparing students for the job market, it is vital for them to begin exercising habits that will enhance their future achievements. The uniform dress code is one method of preparing our students for the future experiences.

Simple guidelines to the PPCA uniform dress code are as follows:

PPCA students will have the option of wearing school t-shirts and bottoms as well as business attire. The PPCA dress code policy is practiced by students Monday through Thursday, with students having the option of dressing out (according to dress code) on Fridays or other specified days for $1.00.


Shirts: School t-shirt or solid navy, black, gray, or white polo-style collared long/short sleeved shirt with PPCA logo or no logo. Logos other than the PPCA logo must not exceed 1” in diameter. Shirt0s do not have to be tucked in pants, shorts or skirts, but must cover the torso

Bottoms: Khakis (tan), dark denim jeans, navy or black pants, and shorts. The fit of pants should not be too tight or hanging on the hips in an
indecent manner. The length of shorts should be fingertip length or longer when arms are at side. Skinny jeans are permitted, but must not be too tight

Dresses, skirts and suits: Should be fingertip length or longer and have sleeves. Dresses, skirts and suits must be worn with flat closed-toe shoes or sandals with a strap around the back of the heel. Colors of dresses are of personal choice. Leggings may be worn only with a shirt/dress that is fingertip length.

Business attire consists of dress slacks, school appropriate shirt, dress or skirt. Jeans/jeans skirt and a dress shirt does not qualify as business attire.

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A tuition-free "A" public/charter school for college minded 9th and 10th grade students.